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Subject: Science, Agriculture, Animal Husbandry RSS Feed

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AGRICOLA     [Indexes and Abstracts]

Covers the agriculture literature and related fields published in books, technical reports, journals, theses, patents, software, and audio-visual materials.

CAB Abstracts  1910 -   present [Indexes and Abstracts]

CAB Abstracts covers the fields of applied life sciences, agriculture, forestry, human nutrition, veterinary medicine and the environment. Subjects indexed include molecular biology, genetics, biotechnology, breeding, taxonomy, physiology and other aspects of pure science relating to organisms of agricultural, veterinary or environmental importance.

CAB Abstracts Archive  1910 -   1972 [Indexes and Abstracts]

CAB Abstracts Archive covers the fields of applied life sciences, agriculture, forestry, human nutrition, veterinary medicine and the environment. Subjects indexed include molecular biology, genetics, biotechnology, breeding, taxonomy, physiology and other aspects of pure science relating to organisms of agricultural, veterinary or environmental importance.

FARAD: Food Animal Residue Avoidance Databank     [Web Sites]

FARAD is part of the Food Animal Residue Avoidance & Depletion Program. FARAD is supported by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) and staffed by veterinary pharmacologists, toxicologists and food animal specialists from University of California-Davis, University of Florida, North Carolina State University, Virginia-Maryland and Kansas State University. FARAD provides open access to comprehensive up-to-date information and data resources for food animal drugs. FARAD provides science-based estimates of safe withdrawal intervals for food-producing animal species that have been treated with or exposed to drugs or other chemicals.

NBII Wildlife Disease Information Node  2002   [Indexes and Abstracts]

WDIN is a collaborative project working to develop a Web-based monitoring and reporting system to provide state and federal resource managers, animal disease specialists, veterinary diagnostic laboratories, physicians, public health workers, educators, and the general public with access to data on wildlife diseases, mortality events, and other critical related information. Data are contributed voluntarily, with partners deciding which data they choose to share. The resulting distributed wildlife disease data warehouse can be a valuable resource for all to share and use to enhance the understanding, surveillance, management, control, and prevention of wildlife diseases around the world.

PubAg  2014   [Indexes and Abstracts]

PubAg is a portal to research published by U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientists. It covers the agricultural sciences including nutrition, food safety, food quality, animal and crop production and protection, natural resources, sustainable agricultural systems, rural development, agricultural economic and policy issues, agricultural imports and exports, agricultural statistics, extramural research, and extension education.